Pretty Asters

Pretty Asters on Belle Isle

Asters are pretty daisy like flowers which come in a variety of colors but usually have a yellow center. I was lucky enough to spot some while on Belle Isle, the other day. Usually these pretty little blooms attract butterflies but there were no butterflies to be found that day.

That’s not to say, I didn’t encounter a little visitor. While I was getting ready to take a close up shot of one of the asters, this little guy flew on the bloom and stayed there while I shot my photo. I thought that was very nice …hehe .

I hope to get back to Belle Isle at least one more time this summer because I didn’t get a chance to go to the flower conservatory. I’m sure there will be lots of beautiful flowers and hopefully a few butterflies too:)

Photo Credit: all photos copyrighted by Robin Lusk.

3 thoughts on “Pretty Asters

  1. Pingback: Honeybee on Aster | Photomiser

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